php - file upload not working for doc, excel file -

i using below code file upload not work in case of doc , excel file

switch(strtolower($imagetype))         {             case 'image/png':             case 'image/gif':                case 'application/pdf':             case 'image/jpeg':             case 'video/avi':             case 'video/mp4':             case 'image/pjpeg':             case 'application/msword':             case 'application/':                 break;             default:                 die('unsupported file!'); //output error , exit         } 

this code work case of image when upload doc file. show me unsupported file

you missing additional mime types. mime types correct older .doc , .xls files, not newer ones.

for .xlsx files use:


for .docx files use:


this might well:


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