c# - Win 8 App: Bing Maps Binding Location -

i want bind longitude , latidute value bing map. doesn't work. if code values in xaml works fine. binding map not center.

here example:

<maps:map zoomlevel="7" x:name="mymap" credentials="my_code">                     <maps:map.center>                         <maps:location latitude="{binding maps.latitude}" longitude="{binding maps.longitude}" />                     </maps:map.center>                     <maps:map.children>                         <maps:pushpin>                             <maps:maplayer.position>                                 <maps:location latitude="{binding maps.latitude}" longitude="{binding maps.longitude}" />                             </maps:maplayer.position>                         </maps:pushpin>                     </maps:map.children>                 </maps:map> 

the position marked in map map not center marked position. if works:

<maps:map zoomlevel="7" x:name="mymap" credentials="my_code">                     <maps:map.center>                         <maps:location latitude="25" longitude="25" />                     </maps:map.center>                     <maps:map.children>                         <maps:pushpin>                             <maps:maplayer.position>                                 <maps:location latitude="{binding maps.latitude}" longitude="{binding maps.longitude}" />                             </maps:maplayer.position>                         </maps:pushpin>                     </maps:map.children>                 </maps:map> 

according documentation here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh846504.aspx

the center property of map dos not support data binding. believe done on purpose center property changes when map moves , data binding can cause lot of performance issues.


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