- My system.webServer > staticContent > clientCache element obstructs serving CSS, JavaScript, and Images -

i have system.webserver section. when add clientcache line, web server stops serving javascript, css, , images. when remove clientcache line, again starts serving them. wrong clientcache element?

this problem occurs both in visual studio development server , when push website azure.

<system.webserver>     <staticcontent>       <clientcache cachecontrolmode="usemaxage" cachecontrolmaxage="86400"/>     </staticcontent>     <!--handlers removed clarity--> </system.webserver> 

in, clientcache > cachecontrolmaxage property timespan (though http specification makes max-age header seconds.)

so, wrong:

<clientcache cachecontrolmode="usemaxage" cachecontrolmaxage="86400"/> 

and right:

<clientcache cachecontrolmode="usemaxage" cachecontrolmaxage="1.00:00:00"/> 

where iso on one?


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