- WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions is not defined using chrome -

on 1 of pages dynamic links work fine in ie10, not work in either chrome or via explorer on windows phone. in chrome "webform_dopostbackwithoptions not defined" when try click on of dynamic links. i've done lot of research, , have tried modify settings isapi filters in handler mappings in iis 8, didn't work. please help. i'm stumped.

update: not work in firefox. seems dynamic links on page work in ie10. links being generated codebehind. strange on other pages links generated differently javascript on href being different, yet i'm creating anchors in codebehind same way.

here's code "bad" anchor:

    dim anchname new htmlanchor = "bcrasodiuhf" & foo addhandler anchname.serverclick, addressof handlenameclick anchname.attributes.add("style", "font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;") anchname.attributes.add("for", foo) anchname.innertext = foo 

and "bad" result:

<a id="maincontent_bcrasodiuhf1" **href="javascript:webform_dopostbackwithoptions(new webform_postbac…0$maincontent$bcrasodiuhf1", "", true, "", "", false, true))**" for="1" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;"></a> 

here "working" anchor:

    dim ancjoe new htmlanchor = "pjancjoe" & foo     addhandler ancjoe.serverclick, addressof handlejoeclick     ancjoe.innertext = joe.title     ancjoe.attributes.add("style", "font-size: 150%;")     ancjoe.attributes.add("jn", foo)     ancjoe.attributes.add("for", foo)     ancjoe.attributes.add("action", "actiona")   

and "working" result:

<a id="maincontent_pcancjoe19416" **href="javascript:__dopostback('ctl00$maincontent$pcancjoe19416','')"** action="actiona" for="194" jn="foo foo" forc="16" style="font-size: 150%;"></a> 

the respective js code (i.e. webform_dopostbackwithoptions(options)) built-in part , linked dynamically. proper url being generated scriptmanager of page.

considering you've mentioned you're using url rewrite, try checking whether urls webresource.axd?d=xxx not being ignored/re-wrote.

also, might worth @ iis handlers mapping configuration ensure .axd resources mapped standard isapi module handler.


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