PHP5 + MongoDB 2.6 + PHP driver 1.5.1 - C10k Apache worker/prefork -

we're moving production environment (mongodb + php) , while testing concurrency (using face difficulties reaching 10k concurrent connections.

my test script basic, simple mongoclient::construct connect database , static echo.

i tried both mpms in apache without success: 1. prefork + mod_php - bottleneck not connections, rather memory - each php process used ~200m - not scalable @ all. 2. worker + php-fpm - after ~2000-3000 connections start seeing many errors both on php machine regarding no candidate servers db stating many connections.

i'm kinda stuck here. thought giving nginx shot, seems it'll fall short same option #2 above did.

could achieved @ all? allowing more 10k connections in configuration (php+mongodb)

any ideas?


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