c# - How to get all Forms and User Controls in WinForms project? -

i have winforms project, using visual studio 2013, dotnet framework 4.0. how can list of of created forms , user controls in project, preferably @ runtime?

edit: reply. example, want forms , user controls under namespace "myapp.forms" , "myapp.usercontrols", how can assemblies? here's how it:

ienumerable<assembly> currentdomainassemblies = appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies().where(a => a.fullname.startswith("myappnamespace"));         foreach (assembly in currentdomainassemblies)         {             ienumerable<type> assembliestypes = a.gettypes().where(t => (typeof(form).isassignablefrom(t) || typeof(usercontrol).isassignablefrom(t)) && t.isclass);             foreach (type t in assembliestypes)             {                 if (t.fullname.contains("usercontrol"))                 {                     listuc.beginupdate();                     listuc.items.add(t.name);                     listuc.endupdate();                 }                 if (t.fullname.contains("forms"))                 {                     listform.beginupdate();                     listform.items.add(t.name);                     listform.endupdate();                 } 

edit: approach based on namespace of forms , user controls. posssible filename, not namespace?

if want see classes(forms or usercontrols) can use reflection. there no such thing project during runtime. can list based on assembly.

edit: try this

foreach (assembly in appdomain.currentdomain.getassemblies().where(a=>!a.fullname.startswith("system.") || !a.fullname.startswith("microsoft.")))             {                 var types = a.gettypes().where(t => (typeof(form).isassignablefrom(t) || typeof(usercontrol).isassignablefrom(t) )&& t.isclass && t.fullname.startswith("yournamespace."));               } 


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