c++ - How to obtain the changed file names from the QFileSystemWatcher `directoryChanged` event -

how can 1 obtain changed file names qfilesystemwatcher directorychanged event?

you need connect slot filechanged() signal instead of directorychanged() if more interested in file names.

connect(&myfilesystemwatcher, signal(filechanged(const qstring&)), slot(handlefilechanged(const qstring&))); 

then, can use slot argument desired. here, printing out stdout:

void handlefilechanged(const qstring &path) {     qdebug() << path; } 

please see documentation further details:

void qfilesystemwatcher::filechanged(const qstring & path) [signal]

this signal emitted when file @ specified path modified, renamed or removed disk.

not sure how familiar qt signal/slot system, if not enough, please go through this, too:

qt signals & slots


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