python 2.7 - Scrapy Request callback method never called -

i building crawlspider using scrapy 0.22.2 python 2.7.3 , having problems requests, callback method specify never called. here snippet parsing method initiates request within elif block:

elif current_status == "superseded":         #need more work here. have check whether there replacement unit available. if there isn't, download whatever outline there         # need <td> element contains "is superseded " , follow link         updated_unit = hxs.xpath('/html/body/div[@id="page"]/div[@id="layoutwrapper"]/div[@id="twocollayoutwrapper"]/div[@id="twocollayoutleft"]/div[@class="layoutcontentwrapper"]/div[@class="outer"]/div[@class="fieldset"]/div[@class="display-row"]/div[@class="display-row"]/div[@class="display-field-info"]/div[@class="t-widget t-grid"]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[contains(., "is superseded ")]/a')         # need child element         updated_unit_link = updated_unit.xpath('@href').extract()[0]         updated_url = "" + updated_unit_link         print "\033[0;31msuperceded "+updated_url+"\033[0m" # prints in red superseded, need follow link current         yield request(url=updated_url, callback='sortsuperseded', dont_filter=true)  def sortsuperseded(self, response):     print "\033[0;35mtest callback called\033[0m" 

there no errors when execute , url ok, sortsuperseded never called never see 'test callback called' printed in console.

the url extracting within domain specify crawlspider.

allowed_domains = [""] 

where going wrong?

quotes not required around callback method name. change line:

yield request(url=updated_url, callback='sortsuperseded', dont_filter=true) 


yield request(updated_url, callback=self.sortsuperseded, dont_filter=true) 


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