Retrive json Data in javascript for Phonegap Project -

i trying retrieve json data wordpress blog. used json api plugin json object.

please check code. showing error status 0. , not able retrieve data.

    var xmlhttp;  window.onload = function(){          document.addeventlistener("deviceready",init,false);     }     function init(){              xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest();    "get","", false);             xmlhttp.send();             xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = datareturn;     }     function datareturn(){              if(xmlhttp.readystate==4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){                 var jsonresponse = xmlhttp.responsetext;                 jsonresponse  = eval("("+jsonresponse+")")                   alert("jsonresponse.count_total");             }             else             {                 alert("could not connect , status:" + xmlhttp.status);             }     } 

please me this.

thank in advance.

since data comes domain ( other page coming from, call considered cross-domain call. xmlhttprequest not let such requests go through (for security purposes). there 2 ways work around limitation, , both require server opt-in. first use cors; second (which works in case, since you're issuing request) use jsonp.

i tried sending request site (using fiddler) cors headers (origin) , response not contain cors-related response, service in particular doesn't support protocol. does, however, support jsonp (if send request using fiddler you'll see response wrapped in cb(...) call).

what should use in page. can use jsonp in "pure" javascript, creating <script> element , adding dom, you'll easier results if use library such jquery makes easier make jsonp calls service.


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