java - Project is deployed, but doesn`t run -

i setup maven project based on working project. mine created template dynamic web project eclipse. build , deploy maven project no errors. here output eclipse console:

results :  tests run: 0, failures: 0, errors: 0, skipped: 0  [info]  [info] --- maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:war (default-war) @ example --- [info] packaging webapp [info] assembling webapp [example] in [c:\users\kleber\downloads\projetos\example\target\example-0.0.1-snapshot] [info] processing war project [info] copying webapp resources [c:\users\kleber\downloads\projetos\example\src\main\webapp] [info] webapp assembled in [873 msecs] [info] building war: c:\users\kleber\downloads\projetos\example\target\example-0.0.1-snapshot.war [info]  [info] <<< tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:redeploy (default-cli) @ example <<< [info]  [info] --- tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:redeploy (default-cli) @ example --- [info] deploying war http://localhost:8080/webappexample   slf4j: failed load class "org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder". slf4j: defaulting no-operation (nop) logger implementation slf4j: see further details. uploading: http://localhost:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=%2fwebappexample&update=true uploaded: http://localhost:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=%2fwebappexample&update=true (13855 kb @ 17083.1 kb/sec)  [info] tomcatmanager status code:200, reasonphrase:ok [info] ok - undeployed application @ context path /webappexample [info] ok - deployed application @ context path /webappexample [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build success [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 11.405s [info] finished at: sun apr 20 13:50:59 gmt-03:00 2014 [info] final memory: 15m/218m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

but when type url project in browser, 404 error. enter tomcat manager , start project, , error 'fail - application @ context path /webappexample not started'.

the complete code of project can found here:

can doing wrong?

so, in fact problem code problem 1 of classes. discover running tomcat console (i in windows 8 machine) , analysing output.

i expected output should displayed on eclipse console, instead see output maven. knows how make 2 outputs shown eclipse, , avoid os console?


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