javascript - Stream file uploaded with Express.js through formidable and gm to eliminate double write -

i want upload , resize image in 1 go without writing disk twice.

to upload image use: node-formidable:

to resize image use: gm:

when run code error: 'this socket closed'.

error: spawn enoent @ errnoexception (child_process.js:988:11) @ process.childprocess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:779:34)

my code:

function uploadphotos (req, res) {   // parse file upload   var form = new formidable.incomingform();   form.multiples = true;      // allow multiple files html5 multiple attribute.   form.maxfields = 100;       // maximum number of fields (no files).   form.keepextensions = true; // include extensions of original files.   form.uploaddir = original_images_dir;    form.onpart = function (part) {      if (!part.filename) {       // let formidable handle non-file parts.       return this.handlepart(part);     }      gm(part)     .resize(200, 200)     .stream(function (err, stdout, stderr) {       stdout.pipe(fs.createwritestream(path.join(resized_images_dir, 'resized_' + part.filename)));       stdout.on('end', function () {         res.send(200);       });     });   };    form.parse(req); } 

i can't figure out problem is. similar problem can found here: stream file uploaded express.js through gm eliminate double write

any suggestions?


i thought npm install trick didn't install graphicsmagick. installing graphicsmagick manually solved problem.

thanks tuck: gm stream stdout pipe throwing unhandled error


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