Jquery Droppable -

following jquery code can access gallery-folder properties jquery object droppable isn't working on it

$(function() {         jquery(document).find('#am-container').find('img').draggable({revert: true});         jquery(document).find("#gallary-folder").droppable({             drop: function(event, ui) {                 var draggablesrc = ui.draggable.attr("src");                 var gallery_id = $(this).find('li').attr("id");             }         });     }); 

following html

 <div id="gallery-folder" class="gallery-folder ui-droppable">     <div class="gallery-folder-inner">      <a href="gallery_view.php?id=22&gallery_name=clothes123">       <img width="68" height="48" src="images/icon-2.png"> </a>     </div> </div> 

this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/gv7da/4/

i saw fiddle. that's working fine. unable drop image target.

means need drag centre of draggable object within bounds of target obeject. , must work :)


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