Deploy TypeScript WebSite from GitHub to Azure -

i have .net website includes typescript files. i'm attempting deploy azure website github, i'm getting error associated typescript.

it appears me may related use of newest version (1.0) whereas kudu build has 0.9 - i'm new enough can't sure that's issue, nor how fix it.

here deployment log (sorry formatting):

command: d:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd handling .net web application deployment. packages listed in packages.config installed. restoring nuget packages... prevent nuget downloading packages during build, open visual studio options dialog, click on package manager node , uncheck 'allow nuget download missing packages'. packages listed in packages.config installed. shadow_findly -> d:\home\site\repository\shadow_findly\bin\release\shadow_findly.dll d:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\typescript\microsoft.typescript.targets(96,5): error : project file uses different version of typescript compiler , tools installed on machine. no compiler found @ d:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\tsc.exe. may able fix problem changing element in project file. [d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj] d:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\typescript\microsoft.typescript.targets(96,5): error msb6004: specified task executable location "d:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\tsc.exe" invalid. [d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj] failed exitcode=1, command="d:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" "d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:build /t:pipelinepredeploycopyallfilestoonefolder /p:_packagetempdir="c:\dwasfiles\sites\thehiveadmin\temp\cab5b42e-19e1-435e-ae3a-b780b7bb6400";autoparameterizationwebconfigconnectionstrings=false;configuration=release /p:solutiondir="d:\home\site\repository.\" error has occurred during web site deployment. handling .net web application deployment. packages listed in packages.config installed. restoring nuget packages... prevent nuget downloading packages during build, open visual studio options dialog, click on package manager node , uncheck 'allow nuget download missing packages'. packages listed in packages.config installed. shadow_findly -> d:\home\site\repository\shadow_findly\bin\release\shadow_findly.dll d:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\typescript\microsoft.typescript.targets(96,5): error : project file uses different version of typescript compiler , tools installed on machine. no compiler found @ d:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\tsc.exe. may able fix problem changing element in project file. [d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj] d:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\typescript\microsoft.typescript.targets(96,5): error msb6004: specified task executable location "d:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\tsc.exe" invalid. [d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj] failed exitcode=1, command="d:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" "d:\home\site\repository\hiveadmin\thehive.admin.csproj" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:build /t:pipelinepredeploycopyallfilestoonefolder /p:_packagetempdir="c:\dwasfiles\sites\thehiveadmin\temp\cab5b42e-19e1-435e-ae3a-b780b7bb6400";autoparameterizationwebconfigconnectionstrings=false;configuration=release /p:solutiondir="d:\home\site\repository.\" error has occurred during web site deployment. d:\program files (x86)\siteextensions\kudu\1.26.30329.722\bin\scripts\starter.cmd d:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd

any ideas how fix this?

the relevant part of error message is

your project file uses different version of typescript compiler , tools installed on machine. no compiler found @ d:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\tsc.exe. may able fix problem changing element in project file.

there's tag in project file this:


you'll need make value conditional on build environment if have parts of build system on 0.9 , on 1.0.


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