ios - Trouble changing app's name in xcode 5 -

i using xcode 5.1

i have changed app's name before using same steps described this question.

but reason having trouble right now. usually, have experienced this same screen. time when changed name did not change everything.

when view project's targets, old app name still being used. if clean , build project, show old name in "progress bar" @ top of xcode.

if @ project's supporting files folder, plist still has old app name ie. old-app-name-info.plist

so far have manually changed project name, changed bundle identifier, changed product name in build settings, , changed name of scheme. don't know else do.

the app has correct name when run on simulator or on iphone, old app name still being used throughout various areas in project folder's, xcode settings, etc.

i want change use's old app's name , make them use new app name.

edit: here's example. if go file inspector tab correct name shown project, if go issue navigator tab shows old app name @ top.

what need change over?

this ended changing me.

i went project navigator tab in xcode , clicked on project. double clicked target still had old app name, changed name new app name, , hit return key.

everything correct , changed new app name. however, still have no idea why answer linked in question did not job done in first place.

i have used solution several times on past 6 months , has worked me have no idea why did not work time.


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