phpstorm - JavaScript with function having inconsistent return points -

let's have class:

function point(x,y){   var _x=x,_y=y;   this.x = function(newx){     if (typeof newx !== 'undefined') {       //function x() working setter       _x=newx;     }     else {       //function x() working getter       return _x;     }   } } 

phpstorm complains function (x()) having inconsistent return points. found adding return undefined; after _x=newx; solves whine , code looks this.

function point(x,y){   var _x=x,_y=y;   this.x = function(newx){     if (typeof newx !== 'undefined') {       //function x() working setter       _x=newx;       return undefined;     }     else {       //function x() working getter       return _x;     }   } } 

the question is: there way make phpstorm stop whining this?

another option annotate methods return type properly, phpstorm knows function expected return undefined in cases.

/**  * @param {number} [newx]  * @returns {number|undefined}  */ this.x = function(newx) {     // ... } 


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