android - How to get friends info that requires permission like B'day using facebook graph api -
i'm having android button login.
below onclick listener of button.
btnloginfb.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @ override public void onclick(view v) { session s = new session(startup.this); session.setactivesession(s); session.openrequest request = new session.openrequest(startup.this); list < string > permissions = new arraylist < string > (); permissions.add("friends_birthday"); permissions.add("friends_location"); request.setpermissions(permissions); request.setcallback(new session.statuscallback() { @ override public void call(session session, sessionstate state, exception exception) { if (session.isopened()) { request.newmyfriendsrequest(session.getactivesession(), new request.graphuserlistcallback() { @ override public void oncompleted(list < graphuser > users, response response) { if (users != null) { (int = 0; < users.size(); i++) { string frndloc = "empty"; try { users.get(i).getlocation().getproperty("name"); frndloc = "" + users.get(i).getlocation().getproperty("name"); } catch (exception e) {} toast.maketext(startup.this, users.get(i).getbirthday() + " - " + users.get(i).getname() + "\n" + frndloc, toast.length_long).show(); } } } }).executeasync(); } // end of if (session.isopened()) } // end of call }); s.openforread(request); } });
the problem i'm getting null both b'day , location of friend.
request friendrequest = request.newmyfriendsrequest(activesession, new graphuserlistcallback() { @override public void oncompleted(final list<graphuser> users, response response) { arraylist<string> o = new arraylist<string>(); (graphuser u : users) { o.add(u.getinnerjsonobject().tostring()); } getsherlockactivity().startservice( new intent(getsherlockactivity(), insertindbservice.class).putextra("fbdata", o)); } } });
parse reponse
int count = users.size(); (int = 0; < count; i++) { string name = "", id = "", photourl = ""; string birthday = "", location = ""; string website = ""; jsonobject o = null; try { o = new jsonobject(users.get(i)); } catch (jsonexception e) { } try { id = o.getstring("id"); name = o.getstring("name"); photourl = o.getjsonobject("picture").getjsonobject("data").getstring("url"); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); dbfacebookmain.deletefacebook(); } try { location = o.getjsonobject("location").getstring("name"); } catch (jsonexception e) { } try { birthday = o.getstring("birthday"); } catch (jsonexception e) { } try { website = o.getstring("website"); } catch (jsonexception e) { }
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