python - Ansible conditional based on contents of file -
gratefully if point out what's wrong this…
the following code meant setup test in register module prints current value of /etc/timezone
. there's task compares group/host {{ timezone }} variable , runs task if it's different (i.e. doesn't call handlers unnecessarily).
but runs regardless.
- name: check current timezone shell: cat /etc/timezone register: get_timezone - name: set /etc/timezone shell: echo "{{ timezone }}" > /etc/timezone when: get_timezone.stdout.find('{{ timezone }}') == false notify: update tzdata
in group_vars/all.yml:
timezone: europe/london
python string.find method returns -1 if can't find substring (, see string.find). so, modify yml that:
- name: set /etc/timezone shell: echo "{{ timezone }}" > /etc/timezone when: get_timezone.stdout.find('{{ timezone }}') == -1 notify: update tzdata
or use "not in":
- name: set /etc/timezone shell: echo "{{ timezone }}" > /etc/timezone when: '"{{ timezone }}" not in get_timezone.stdout' notify: update tzdata
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