c# - Changed Screen Orientation MediaElement Disappear From Screen -
i have interesting problem project. m working on orientation of app , problem videoelement disappered when changed screen orientation portrait or landscape. m using same code image , working correctly. so, didn't understand issue is. there idea ? here code is;
this line return null mediaelement:
mediaelement mediacontrol = recursechildren<mediaelement>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "myvideoelement" + elementorder).firstordefault();
but line same structure return image correctly:
image imagecontroller = recursechildren<image>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "questionimage" + elementorder).firstordefault();
my codes :
mediaelement myvideoelement = new mediaelement(); myvideoelement.name = "myvideoelement" + currentquestion; myvideoelement.width = (window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 10; myvideoelement.height = 300; myvideoelement.margin = new thickness(10); myvideoelement.source = new uri(appconfiguration.testvideolink + questionvideolink, urikind.absolute); myvideoelement.autoplay = false; myvideoelement.margin = new thickness(0, 10, 0, 10); myvideoelement.aretransportcontrolsenabled = true; myvideoelement.horizontalalignment = horizontalalignment.center; myvideoelement.visibility = visibility.collapsed; spmediabody.children.add(myvideoelement); dynamicgrid.children.add(spmediabody); pnlgeneralbody.children.add(dynamicgrid); fwquestions.items.add(pnlgeneralbody); public static ienumerable<t> recursechildren<t>(dependencyobject root) t : uielement { if (root t) { yield return root t; } if (root != null) { var count = visualtreehelper.getchildrencount(root); (var idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { foreach (var child in recursechildren<t>(visualtreehelper.getchild(root, idx))) { yield return child; } } } } private void page_sizechanged(object sender, sizechangedeventargs e) { if (ispageloadcomplete) { (int = 0; < appconfiguration.questionlist.allques.count; i++) { string elementorder = i.tostring(); grid grdbody = recursechildren<grid>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "dynamicgrid" + elementorder).firstordefault(); mediaelement mediacontrol = recursechildren<mediaelement>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "myvideoelement" + elementorder).firstordefault(); if (mediacontrol != null && mediacontrol.visibility == visibility.visible) { mediacontrol.width = (window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 10; grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.8) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); } else { grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0), gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 1) - 10, gridunittype.pixel); } mediaelement audiocontrol = recursechildren<mediaelement>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "myaudioelement" + elementorder).firstordefault(); if (audiocontrol != null && audiocontrol.visibility == visibility.visible) { audiocontrol.width = (window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 10; grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.8) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); } else { grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0), gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 1) - 10, gridunittype.pixel); } image imagecontroller = recursechildren<image>(fwquestions).where(p => p.name == "questionimage" + elementorder).firstordefault(); if (imagecontroller != null && imagecontroller.visibility == visibility.visible) { imagecontroller.width = (window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 10; grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.2) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0.8) - 5, gridunittype.pixel); } else { grdbody.columndefinitions[0].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 0), gridunittype.pixel); grdbody.columndefinitions[1].width = new gridlength((window.current.bounds.width * 1) - 10, gridunittype.pixel); } } } }
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