java - how to sove chinese garbled with ajax request in jquery.validate.js remote function -

example:name = 资源

rules: {             name: {                 required: true,                 remote: {                      url: location.href.substring(0,location.href.lastindexof('/'))+"/resourcename/check/exists",                      datatype: "text",                       beforesend: function(req) { req.setrequestheader ("contenttype", "text / html; charset = uft-8"); },                      type: "get"                   }             },             url: {                 required: true,                 url: true             },             menu_id: "required"         } 

in controller got name èµæº ,how can solve problem?

@requestmapping(value = "/resourcename/check/exists", method = requestmethod.get)     public void isresourcenameexists(httpservletresponse response,             @requestparam(value = "name", required = false) string name)             throws ioexception {         name = new string (name.getbytes("utf-8"),"utf-8");          response.setcontenttype ("text / text; charset = utf-8");         response.setcharacterencoding ("utf-8");         response.getwriter().write(                 string.valueof(resourceservice.findresourcesbyname(name)                         .isempty()));     } 

i solved problem name = new string(name.getbytes("iso-8859-1"),"utf-8");


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