javascript - RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate() - Uncaught SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified -

the addicecandidate() function giving me error post title, "uncaught syntaxerror: invalid or illegal string specified."

the parameter pass rtcicecandidate object. can print out candidate-attribute result, of them a=candidate:1086438664 2 udp 41754367 64564 typ relay raddr rport 58089 generation 0 , on.

this function pass parameter:

function receiveicecandidate(candidate) {     parsecandidate = new rtcicecandidate(json.parse(candidate));     //console.log("parsecandidate.cand = " + parsecandidate.candidate);     remotepc.addicecandidate(parsecandidate);     //remotepc rtcpeerconnection } 

before function ever called, remotepc receives sdp offer , sets remotedescription, in following function:

function receiveoffer(offer) {        var ischrome = !!navigator.webkitgetusermedia;     var stun = {     url: ischrome         ? ''         : 'stun:'     };      var turn = {         url: '',         credential: 'homeo'     };      var iceservers =      {         iceservers: [stun, turn]     };      var sdpconstraints = {     optional: [],     mandatory: {         offertoreceiveaudio: true,         offertoreceivevideo: true         }     };      pc_config = {"iceservers": [{"url": ""}]};      remotepc = newpeerconnection(iceservers); // returns peerconnection suitable prefix browser     remotepc.setremotedescription(new rtcsessiondescription(offer.sdp ));         remotepc.createanswer(function(answer)      {          console.log("creating answer.");         remotepc.setlocaldescription(answer);     });      remotepc.onaddstream = function (evt)      {          console.log("on add stream..");         var remote_video = $("#remotevideo");         remote_video.src = createobjecturl(;          } } 

onaddstream , createanswer never called far - related problem? don't think there's chance answer without icecandidates?


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