ios - How to fill a UIBezierPath with a gradient? -
i've drawn graph using uibezierpath. can fill area under graph solid color want fill area under graph gradient rather solid color. i'm not sure how make gradient apply graph , not whole view, i've read few questions not found applicable.
this main graph drawing code:
// draw graph uibezierpath *bargraph = [uibezierpath bezierpath]; bargraph.linewidth = 1.0f; [bluecolor setstroke]; tcdatapoint *datapoint = self.testdata[0]; cgfloat x = [self converttimetoxpoint:datapoint.time]; cgfloat y = [self convertdatatoypoint:datapoint.datausage]; cgpoint plotpoint = cgpointmake(x,y); [bargraph movetopoint:plotpoint]; (int ii = 1; ii < [self.testdata count]; ++ii) { datapoint = self.testdata[ii]; x = [self converttimetoxpoint:datapoint.time]; y = [self convertdatatoypoint:datapoint.datausage]; plotpoint = cgpointmake(x, y); [bargraph addlinetopoint:plotpoint]; } [bargraph stroke];
i've been attempting fill graph experimenting code following, honest not %100 sure i'm doing despite going through various tutorials , documentation:
[bargraph closepath]; cgfloat colors [] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; cgcolorspaceref basespace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb(); cggradientref gradient = cggradientcreatewithcolorcomponents(basespace, colors, null, 2); cgcolorspacerelease(basespace); cgpoint startpoint = cgpointmake(cgrectgetmidx(self.bounds), self.topy); cgpoint endpoint = cgpointmake(cgrectgetmidx(self.bounds), self.bottomy); cgcontextref context = uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(); cgcontextclip(context); cgcontextdrawlineargradient(context, gradient, startpoint, endpoint, 0); cggradientrelease(gradient);
the easiest approach use original graph bezier path construct mask , impose mask on gradient layer. impose graph layer on top of gradient layer.
so, example, make cashapelayer, close graph bezier path, set path shape layer's path, , fill black. have mask shape of area under graph. make cagradientlayer , make cashapelayer mask
. in front of that, place actual graph.
so example (edited):
here's code used create drawing (my bezier path simple, 4 points joined 3 lines, can see area under gradient):
cashapelayer* shape = [[cashapelayer alloc] init]; shape.frame = self.graph.bounds; cgfloat h = shape.frame.size.height; cgfloat w = shape.frame.size.width; nsarray* points = @[ [nsvalue valuewithcgpoint:cgpointmake(0,h-50)], [nsvalue valuewithcgpoint:cgpointmake(70,h-100)], [nsvalue valuewithcgpoint:cgpointmake(140,h-75)], [nsvalue valuewithcgpoint:cgpointmake(w,h-150)], ]; uibezierpath* p = [uibezierpath new]; [p movetopoint:[points[0] cgpointvalue]]; (nsinteger = 1; < points.count; i++) [p addlinetopoint:[points[i] cgpointvalue]]; shape.path = p.cgpath; shape.strokecolor = [uicolor blackcolor].cgcolor; shape.linewidth = 2; shape.fillcolor = nil; cagradientlayer* grad = [[cagradientlayer alloc] init]; grad.frame = self.graph.bounds; grad.colors = @[(id)[uicolor bluecolor].cgcolor, (id)[uicolor yellowcolor].cgcolor]; cashapelayer* mask = [[cashapelayer alloc] init]; mask.frame = self.graph.bounds; [p addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(w,h)]; [p addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(0,h)]; [p closepath]; mask.path = p.cgpath; mask.fillcolor = [uicolor blackcolor].cgcolor; grad.mask = mask; [self.graph.layer addsublayer:grad]; [self.graph.layer addsublayer:shape];
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