cryptography - What crypto algorithms does Android support? -

i have been googling hours , cannot find solid answers lots of hearsay.

does know documentation defines encryption/signature/hash algorithms android os supports.

i have heard forums not phones support same algorithms looking common algorithms every android phone supports.

try list security providers:

provider[] providers = security.getproviders(); (provider provider : providers) {     log.i("crypto","provider: "+provider.getname());     set<provider.service> services = provider.getservices();     (provider.service service : services) {         log.i("crypto","  algorithm: "+service.getalgorithm());     } } 


here list nexus s (os 2.3.4):

provider: androidopenssl  algorithm: sha-384  algorithm: sha-1  algorithm: sslv3  algorithm: md5  algorithm: ssl  algorithm: sha-256  algorithm: tls  algorithm: sha-512  algorithm: tlsv1  algorithm: default provider: drlcertfactory  algorithm: x509 provider: bc  algorithm: pkcs12  algorithm: desede  algorithm: dh  algorithm: rc4  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: desede  algorithm: collection  algorithm: sha-1  algorithm: pbewithsha256and256bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pbewithshaand192bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: desedewrap  algorithm: pbewithmd5and128bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: pbewithmd5and256bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: aes  algorithm: hmacsha256  algorithm: oaep  algorithm: hmacsha256  algorithm: hmacsha384  algorithm: dsa  algorithm: pbewithmd5and192bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: des  algorithm: pbewithmd5anddes  algorithm: sha1withdsa  algorithm: pbewithmd5anddes  algorithm: bouncycastle  algorithm: pkix  algorithm: pkcs12pbe  algorithm: dsa  algorithm: rsa  algorithm: pbewithsha1anddes  algorithm: desede  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitrc2-cbc  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitrc2-cbc  algorithm: pbewithshaand256bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitrc4  algorithm: dh  algorithm: pbewithsha256and192bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pbewithshaand40bitrc2-cbc  algorithm: hmacsha384  algorithm: aeswrap  algorithm: pbewithshaand192bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: sha256withrsaencryption  algorithm: des  algorithm: hmacsha512  algorithm: hmacsha1  algorithm: dh  algorithm: pbewithsha256and128bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pkix  algorithm: pbewithmd5andrc2  algorithm: sha-256  algorithm: pbewithsha1anddes  algorithm: hmacsha512  algorithm: sha384withrsaencryption  algorithm: des  algorithm: blowfish  algorithm: pbewithmd5and128bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: pbewithshaand3-keytripledes-cbc  algorithm: pbewithshaand256bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: dsa  algorithm: pbewithshaand40bitrc2-cbc  algorithm: blowfish  algorithm: pbewithshaand40bitrc4  algorithm: pbkdf2withhmacsha1  algorithm: pbewithshaand40bitrc4  algorithm: hmacsha1  algorithm: aes  algorithm: pbewithsha256and192bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: pbewithshaand2-keytripledes-cbc  algorithm: pbewithhmacsha  algorithm: dh  algorithm: bks  algorithm: nonewithdsa  algorithm: des  algorithm: pbewithmd5andrc2  algorithm: dsa  algorithm: pbewithshaandtwofish-cbc  algorithm: sha512withrsaencryption  algorithm: hmacmd5  algorithm: pbewithshaand3-keytripledes-cbc  algorithm: pbewithsha1andrc2  algorithm: arc4  algorithm: pbewithhmacsha1  algorithm: aes  algorithm: pbewithhmacsha1  algorithm: md5  algorithm: rsa  algorithm: pbewithshaandtwofish-cbc  algorithm: pbewithsha1andrc2  algorithm: pbewithshaand2-keytripledes-cbc  algorithm: pbewithshaand128bitrc4  algorithm: sha-384  algorithm: rsa  algorithm: desede  algorithm: sha-512  algorithm: x.509  algorithm: pbewithmd5and192bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: md5withrsaencryption  algorithm: pbewithmd5and256bitaes-cbc-openssl  algorithm: pbewithsha256and256bitaes-cbc-bc  algorithm: blowfish  algorithm: dh  algorithm: sha1withrsaencryption  algorithm: hmacmd5  algorithm: pbewithsha256and128bitaes-cbc-bc provider: crypto  algorithm: sha1withdsa  algorithm: sha-1  algorithm: dsa  algorithm: sha1prng provider: harmonyjsse  algorithm: x509  algorithm: sslv3  algorithm: tls  algorithm: tlsv1  algorithm: x509  algorithm: ssl 


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