How to get MAC Address of device using Wifi in Android -
i want access mac address of phone using wifi. somehow not right. have written following code.
context=this; setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); try{ wifimanager wifi=(wifimanager)this.context.getsystemservice(context.wifi_service); wifi.setwifienabled(true); wifiinfo info=wifi.getconnectioninfo(); string address=info.getmacaddress(); if(address==null){ toast.maketext(context, "null", toast.length_long).show(); } else{ new asyncclass(mainactivity.this,address).execute(); } }catch(exception e){ toast.maketext(context, e.tostring(), toast.length_long).show(); }
when run on phone, give me error "unfortunately application stopped" when run program on imulator, gives address null. please me rid of it. in advance.
my manifest file below:
<uses-permission android:required="true" android:name="android.permission.access_wifi_state"/> <uses-permission android:required="true" android:name="android.permission.change_wifi_state"/> <uses-permission android:required="true" android:name="android.permission.internet"/>
your code working properly,just remove asynctask line , put toast message. code run on device.its working properly. have checked code.i think have error in async task.
try { wifimanager wifi = (wifimanager) .getsystemservice(this.wifi_service); wifi.setwifienabled(true); wifiinfo info = wifi.getconnectioninfo(); string address = info.getmacaddress(); if (address == null) { toast.maketext(this, "null", toast.length_long).show(); } else { toast.maketext(this, address, toast.length_long).show(); } } catch (exception e) { toast.maketext(this, e.tostring(), toast.length_long).show(); }
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