c - Reading text file into structure -

i trying write program can take data text file , put struct, add struct linked list , later display list. no arrays. having problems reading line line each field of struct, when try display list, gives me wrong values/gibberish. section focusing on in main method.

this text file trying read:

#1 flat blade screwdriver 12489 36 .65 1.75 #2 flat blade screwdriver 12488 24 .70 1.85 #1 phillips screwdriver 12456 27 0.67 1.80 #2 phillips screwdriver 12455 17 0.81 2.00 claw hammer 03448 14 3.27 4.89 tack hammer 03442 9 3.55 5.27 cross cut saw 07224 6 6.97 8.25 rip saw 07228 5 6.48 7.99 6" adjustable wrench 06526 11 3.21 4.50 

and program far:

#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h>  typedef struct inventory {     char invname[36];     int  invpartno;     int  invqoh;     float invunitcost;     float invprice; }stock;  struct  node {     union     {         int  nodecounter;         void  *dataitem;     }item;     struct node *link; };  struct node *initlist(); void displaynode(struct inventory *); struct inventory * readdata(file *); void displaylist(struct node *); struct node* getnode(file *); void  add2list(struct node *, struct node *); struct node* searchlist(struct node *, int ); void  deletenode(struct node *, int );   int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     struct node *header;     header = initlist();     char line[50];      int i, j;     = 0;     file *fp = fopen("input.txt", "r");     if( fp != null )     {         while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))         {             struct node *nnode =  (struct node*)malloc(sizeof node);             struct inventory *newnode =  (struct inventory*)malloc(sizeof inventory);             fscanf(fp,"%s %d %d %f %f ", newnode->invname, &newnode->invpartno,&newnode->invqoh,&newnode->invunitcost,&newnode->invprice);              /*             fscanf(fp, "%s", newnod->invname);             fscanf(fp, "%d", newnod->invpartno);             fscanf(fp, "%d", newnod->invqoh);             fscanf(fp, "%f", newnod->invunitcost);             fscanf(fp, "%f", newnod->invprice);             */              nnode->item.dataitem = newnode;             nnode->item.nodecounter++;             add2list(header, nnode);         }      }     displaylist(header);      //startnode->invname = array[0].invname;     //struct inventory *startnode;      /*     char line[bufsiz];     while ( fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != null && sscanf(line, " %s %d %11s %19s %lf", &record.empnum, record.firstname, record.lastname, &record.hourrate) == 4 )     {      }*/      /*     struct node *header;     header = initlist();      int  pcounter = 2;     while (pcounter--)     {         add2list(header,getnode(stdin));     }      displaylist(header);     */      return 0; }  struct node *initlist() {     struct node *temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof node);      temp->item.nodecounter = 0;     temp->link = null;     return temp; }   void  add2list(struct node *start, struct node *newnode) {     struct node *current = start;      while (current->link != null)         current = current->link;      current->link = newnode;     newnode->link = null;      start->item.nodecounter++; }   struct node* getnode(file *fptr) {     struct node *temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof node);      temp->item.dataitem = readdata(fptr);     temp->link = null;      return temp; }   void displaylist(struct node *start) {     struct node *current = start->link;      while (current != null)     {         displaynode((struct inventory *)current->item.dataitem);         current = current->link;      } }   void displaynode(struct inventory *stuff) {     printf("name: %s", stuff->invname);     printf("part number: %d", stuff->invpartno);     printf("quantity on hand: %d", stuff->invqoh);     printf("unit cost: %0.2f", stuff->invunitcost);     printf("price %0.2f", stuff->invprice); }   struct inventory * readdata(file *fptr) {     struct inventory *temp = (struct inventory *)malloc(sizeof inventory);      if(fptr==stdin)         printf("enter item name: ");     fscanf_s(fptr, "%s", temp->invname);     if(fptr==stdin)         printf("enter item part number: ");     fscanf_s(fptr, "%d", &temp->invpartno);     if(fptr==stdin)         printf("enter item quantity on hand: ");     fscanf_s(fptr, "%d", &temp->invqoh);     if(fptr==stdin)         printf("enter item unit cost: ");     fscanf_s(fptr, "%f", &temp->invunitcost);     if(fptr==stdin)         printf("enter item price: ");     fscanf_s(fptr, "%f", &temp->invprice);      return temp; }  struct node* searchlist(struct node *start, int olddata) {     struct node* current = start;     struct inventory * st = (struct inventory *)current->link->item.dataitem;      while (st->invpartno != olddata && current != null)     {         current = current->link;         if(current->link)             st = (struct inventory *)current->link->item.dataitem;     }     return current; }  void  deletenode(struct node *start, int olddata) {     struct node *current, *oldnode;      current = searchlist( start, olddata);     oldnode = current->link;     current->link = oldnode->link;     free(oldnode);     start->item.nodecounter -= 1; }   struct inventory* readfromfile( ) {     /*     file *fp;     fp = fopen("input.txt", "r");     struct inventory *header, *temp;     //header = initlist();      char invname[36];     int  invpartno;     int  invqoh;     float invunitcost;     float invprice;      fscanf(fp, "%s", temp->invname);     fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp->invpartno);     fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp->invqoh);     fscanf(fp, "%f", &temp->invunitcost);     fscanf(fp, "%f", &temp->invprice);     fclose(fp);     */      /*     char invname[36];     int  invpartno;     int  invqoh;     float invunitcost;     float invprice;      //---------------------------------------------------------------     char ch, file_name[100];    file *fp;    printf("enter name of file wish see\n");    gets(file_name);    fp = fopen(file_name,"r"); // read mode    if( fp == null )    {       perror("error while opening file.\n");       exit(exit_failure);    }  //---------------------------------------------------------------    int = 0;    //while( ( ch = fgetc(fp) ) != eof)    //while(!feof(fp))    while((ch != '\n') && (ch != eof))    {        struct inventory *temp;        char *fgets(temp->invname, 100, fp);        fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp->invpartno);        fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp->invqoh);        fscanf(fp, "%f", &temp->invunitcost);        fscanf(fp, "%f", &temp->invprice);    }*/     return 0; }  void readfile() {     stock array[20]; //9 items read list     int i, j;     = 0;     file *fp = fopen("input.txt", "r");     if( fp != null )     {         while(fgets(array[i].invname, sizeof array[i].invname, fp))         {             fscanf(fp,"%d %d %f %f ",&array[i].invpartno,&array[i].invqoh,&array[i].invunitcost,&array[i].invprice);             i++;         }      }  } 

you read line fgets , try read struct fscanf. cannot work because fgets eats line, missing when fscanf. code might

struct inventory buf; while (fscanf(fp,"%s %d %d %f %f ", buf.invname, &buf.invpartno, ...) == 5) {     /* data, copy dynamic memory */     struct node *nnode =  (struct node*)malloc(sizeof node);     struct inventory *newnode =  (struct inventory*)malloc(sizeof inventory);     *newnode = buf;     nnode->item.dataitem = newnode;     nnode->item.nodecounter++;     add2list(header, nnode); } 

this reads input temporary buffer, can used later, when storing or processing input.


another approach test eof , leave rest of loop

while(!feof(fp)) {     struct node *nnode =  (struct node*)malloc(sizeof node);     struct inventory *newnode =  (struct inventory*)malloc(sizeof inventory);     fscanf(fp, "%s %d %d %f %f ", newnode->invname, &newnode->invpartno, &newnode->invqoh, &newnode->invunitcost, &newnode->invprice);     nnode->item.dataitem = newnode;     nnode->item.nodecounter++;     add2list(header, nnode); } 


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