jquery - How can i add dynamic data inside flag series in highcharts -

i getting data in code chart running,i added flags max value , min value in x-axis,now want display rating inside flag.but here catagories data come rating not come on flag.here data , rating dynamically data not static. have tried on stack overflow suggestion,as including highstock.js , highcharts.js file still not working. please give me proper solution column chart.

  $(document). ready(function() {         var options = {             chart: {                 renderto: 'container',                 type: 'column',                 marginright: 130,                 marginbottom: 50             },             title: {                 text: 'top 15 projects facilities rating',                 x: -20 //center             },             subtitle: {                 text: '',                 x: -20             },             xaxis: {                 categories: []             },             yaxis: {                 title: {                     text: 'facilities rating'                 },                stacklabels: {                 enabled: true,                 style: {                     fontweight: 'bold',                     color: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.textcolor) || 'gray'                 }             },                 plotlines: [{                     value: 0,                     width: 1,                     color: '#808080'                 }]             },             tooltip: {                 formatter: function() {                         return '<b>'+ this.series.name +'</b><br/>'+                         this.x +': '+ this.y;                 }             },             plotoptions:{             column: {                 stacking: 'normal',                 datalabels: {                     enabled: true,                     color:'white'                 }             }             },             legend: {                 layout: 'vertical',                 align: 'right',                 verticalalign: 'top',                 borderwidth: 0             },             series: [{                 name:'rating',                 data:[],                 id:'dataseries'            },     {           type: 'flags',     onseries: 'dataseries',     data: [{         x: 0,         text: 'minimum facilites rating',         title: 'min'     }, {         x: 15,         text: 'maximum facilites rating',         title: 'max'     }],     width: 30,     showinlegend: false     }]         }          $.getjson("bargraph_data.php", function(json) {             options.xaxis.categories = json[0]['data'];            // options.series.splice(0,0, json[1]);             options.series[0].data = json[1]['data'];              chart = new highcharts.chart(options);          });     }); 

u can check in [link]http://jsfiddle.net/sunitasingh/n3u77/3/ please give me solution how can add y-value flag series point dynamic not static.

you overwriting flags default series.. check line:

options.series[0] = json[1];  

it replace flags new series. guess need prepend options, this:

options.series.splice(0, 0, json[1]); 


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