c++ - SDL_Image return NULL when trying to load texture -
i have model loaded screen, having trouble getting it's texture read. whenever try load model's texture, returns null. model , texture resides within same directory, can't figure out why program having problems. while program runs, error receive img_geterror()
couldn't open (location)/image.jpg
here how loading:
bool ctexture::load() { surface = img_load(_filename.c_str()); glenable(gl_texture_2d); glgentextures(1, &_textureobj); if (surface == null) { std::cout << "---------------\n" << img_geterror() << "\n---------------\n" << std::endl; return 0; } _width = surface->w; _height = surface->h; _bpp = surface->pitch; if (surface->format->bytesperpixel == 3) _mode = gl_rgb; else if (surface->format->bitsperpixel == 4) _mode = gl_rgba; else { sdl_freesurface(surface); return false; } glbindtexture(_texturetarget, _textureobj); glteximage2d(_texturetarget, 0, _mode, surface->w, surface->h, 0, _mode, gl_unsigned_byte, surface->pixels); setfiltering(gl_linear, gl_linear); _isloaded = true; if (surface) sdl_freesurface(surface); std::cout << _filename << std::endl; return _isloaded;
my dlls libjpeg-9, libpng16-16, libtiff , libwebp-4.
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