sql - sqlException (0x80131904) The name'...' is not a valid identifier -
i have stored procedure dynamic based on database needs access. running procedure program gives me error:
system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception (0x80131904): name '...' not valid identifier.....
when run stored procedure ssms, same error, if print instead of exec, run code manually, works fine.
declare @sql varchar(8000) if @provider='' set @sql = ' update ' + @linkserver + '.dbo.[billing header] set [bill primary]=1 billing in( select distinct billing ' + @linkserver + '.dbo.[history detail] ' + @wheredatefacility + ' , [insurance code] = rtrim( '''+ @primarycode +''')); select @@rowcount rc;' else set @sql = ' update ' + @linkserver + '.dbo.[billing header] set [bill primary]=1 billing in( select distinct hd.billing ' + @linkserver + '.dbo.[history detail] hd inner join ' + @linkserver + '.dbo.[billing header] bh on bh.billing=hd.billing provider=''' + @provider + ''' , ' + @wheredatefacility + ' , [insurance code] = rtrim( '''+ @primarycode +''')); select @@rowcount rc;' end insert dbo.[log] ([desc]) values(@sql) --print @sql exec @sql
pulling code snippet log works fine too. here final code log works fine if ran manually.
update [targetdb].dbo.[billing header] set [bill primary] = 1 billing in (select distinct billing [targetdb].dbo.[history detail] [date printed] = '04/22/2014' , [insurance code] = rtrim( 'med001')); select @@rowcount rc;
any ideas can done fix this?
thanks, dave k.
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