java - Attaching ActionListener to JComboBox -
i working on program has several functions need happen based on user selection jcombobox.
ideally, user selection pulled out , used in series of if/else statements change necessary values.
this error getting:
method addactionlistener in class jcombobox<e> cannot applied given types; classjcombobox.addactionlistener(this); required: actionlistener found: dwtools reason: actual argument dwtools cannot converted actionlistener method invocation conversion e type-variable: e extends object declared in class jcombobox
and here code (at moment, have set put chosen class in name jtextfield testing purposes):
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; public class dwtools extends jframe { private string[] classes = { "bard", "cleric", "druid", "fighter", "paladin", "thief", "ranger", "wizard" }; public jtabbedpane mainpane; public jpanel basic; public jpanel moves; public jpanel spells; private jlabel namejlabel; private jlabel classjlabel; private jtextfield namejtextfield; private jcombobox classjcombobox; public dwtools() { createuserinterface(); } public void createuserinterface() { container contentpane = getcontentpane(); jpanel toppanel = new jpanel(); toppanel.setlayout(new borderlayout()); contentpane.add(toppanel); createbasic(); createmoves(); createspells(); mainpane = new jtabbedpane(); mainpane.addtab("basic information", basic); mainpane.addtab("character moves", moves); mainpane.addtab("character spells", spells); toppanel.add(mainpane,; settitle("dungeon world tools"); setsize(500, 500); setvisible(true); } public void createbasic() { basic = new jpanel(); basic.setlayout( null ); jlabel namejlabel = new jlabel("name:"); namejlabel.setbounds(10, 10, 50, 25); basic.add(namejlabel); jtextfield namejtextfield = new jtextfield(); namejtextfield.setbounds( 60, 10, 100, 25 ); basic.add( namejtextfield ); jlabel classjlabel = new jlabel("class:"); classjlabel.setbounds(10, 60, 50, 25); basic.add(classjlabel); arrays.sort(classes); jcombobox classjcombobox = new jcombobox(classes); classjcombobox.setbounds( 60, 60, 100, 25 ); classjcombobox.setmaximumrowcount( 8 ); basic.add(classjcombobox); classjcombobox.addactionlistener(this); public void classjcomboboxactionperformed(actionevent event) { jcombobox box = (jcombobox)event.getsource(); string chosenclass = (string)box.getselecteditem(); updateinfo(chosenclass); } protected void updateinfo(string cclass) { string chosen = cclass; namejtextfield.settext("chosen:" + chosen); } public void createmoves() { moves = new jpanel(); moves.setlayout( null ); } public void createspells() { spells = new jpanel(); spells.setlayout( null ); } public static void main(string[] args) { dwtools application = new dwtools(); application.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); }
in addition jbnizets answer, i'd emphasize solution should dedicated actionlistener
combo box. implementing interface in "main class" can lead mess when multiple action listeners required. 1 solution be
classjcombobox.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { // call existing method // handling event: classjcomboboxactionperformed(e); } });
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